www.windsorlocal.com - Windsor Local

Welcome Local Businesses, Organizations and Professionals!

How to Use Windsor Local for Members

What Are Residents and Visitors?

Residents and visitors are individuals who are using Windsor Local to find local businesses, organizations and professionals to help them shop locally for products and services. They can find just about anything about a business all in one place. They are not Members and there is no cost involved in using the online platform.

What Are Members?

Windsor Local Members are business owners, organization managers and professionals who are listed as a member in Windsor Local. Membership will allow them to get much more local visibility and brand recognition. They can post just about anything possible about their business, including text, images, videos, links, blog articles, products, coupons, real estate properties, job listings, classifieds photo albums, audio posts, social media feeds and much more, all in one place.

We often use the term "Member" or "Business" as a shortcut, but it actually refers to a Business, Organization or Professional Member listed in the Windsor Local database.

NOTE: On this page we will only discuss the ways that Windsor Local is different for Members once they log into their portal on Windsor Local. For further details on the the way Windsor Local works for the public (residents and visitors), please see the Table of Contents at Welcome Local Residents and Visitors for more information.

Did you want to see the "How to Use Windsor Local for Residents & Visitors" page? If so, please click Welcome Local Residents and Visitors for more information.


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